Iron Abbey Gastro Pub.
While we waited on her carload to arrive, the rest of us ordered drinks, including SternTrainer, who proceeded to drink multiple fancy beers. In related news, she became chatty and fun and not stern at all. We talked about non -work stuff like being a vegetarian and doing yoga (her); and travel and dancing (me). At some point, everyone pulled out their phones and showed pet pictures and family pictures; so it was nice to see a glimpse of everyone's real life. Or at least the "real" life as depicted in the photos we don't delete. Am happy to report that in one of the few mini work conversations we had, SternTrainer told me in an aside that I was doing great and that I was one of the "strongest ones." I don't think she would have told me that had the alcohol not been flowing. So cheers! Bottoms up!
When the 2nd half of our group finally arrived TexasRose said they'd gotten lost. But it was not lost on me that she was wearing an outfit different than what she wore to work. Whatever. My glass of white sangria coupled with my happiness that it was the last night before homecoming me not mind (much) that my dinner order had been delayed so she could debut yet another jumpsuit.
Immediately after arriving, well immediately after ordering a double Crown&Coke, TexasRose proceeded to hold court, telling us multiple off color jokes. This was with encouragement from everyone including SternTrainer. I normally hate prepared jokes, but i have to say she was amazing in the tellings. Her Texas accent makes everything funnier; and she commits to the characterizations and the details. And her timing was impeccable.
The one I remember: Three southern belles are sitting on a porch; and the first one says that for her anniversary, her husband had bought her that Cadillac sitting in the front yard. And the other women said, "myyyy, myyy, myyy." and then the 2nd woman said that for her anniversary, her husband gave her the huge sparkly ring on her finger. The other women said, "myyy, myyyy, myyyy." So the third woman said, "for her first anniversary, her husband sent her to finishing school. The other ladies said, "well goodness, whatever for?" And the third lady said, "so i could learn to say 'myy, myyy, myyy instead of Fuuck Yoou.'" That was the cleanest one she told. But I have to say, she was a hoot; and I 100% believe her when she says she made more as a bartender back in the day than she does as an underwriter. She is wasting her gifts working remotely from her house with no human contact.
After dinner, I went home and crammed all my dirty clothes in my suitcase, and went to sleep more excited than a kid the night before Christmas. One more sleep until I see my family.
white sangria, ftw.
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